This is the nearest I've got to a picture of Bradford North: a view across Shipley and Bradford to the higher hills beyond. I wonder how God sees it, from his far greater height, to the depth of every humanheart? The children trailing home; Workers making their way; Householders keeping house; Elderley resting in care. All his beloved creation. Each his child of potential in Jesus. As far as the eye can see, and faith can feel, and trust can rely. In Jesus. It's promise - he's Lord. It's challenge - if he's our Lord. As we face the future as Bradford North Circuit, from Baildon to Thornton, and from Calverley to Harecroft - 18 bodies of witness to the Lordship of Jesus - this promise and challenge come to us afresh. And we must pray his Lordship into a living reality that others can see. Lord, I know you're standing at Bradford North's door. i can hear your knocking in the vacant seats and absent children, in the emptying coffers and thickening deafn...
A group of 13 Methodist Churches in North Bradford, West Yorkshire, sharing God's love within their communities.