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Showing posts from March, 2011

Crag Road SOS - can you help?

The members of Crag Road Methodist Church need your help. They have cut down a number of trees at the rear of the church thinking that as the land is unusable they could let them lie; however, they have been informed by Bradford Council that they must be removed. They estimate the cost for the removal of the trees to be over £2,000; however, so far no one will accept the work. They have decided, therefore, to form a team to undertake the task and would be grateful for offers of help. Please email for full details.

Beetle Drive

Wrose Methodist Church , BD18 1JY 7.15 pm Friday 25 March 2011, Tickets £3.50 including pie and peas supper. Proceeds for the Church Redevelopment Fund.

Request for prayer

At the request of the Circuit Meeting, a small Strategy Group has been formed and begun its work. The issues that the Strategy Group needs to address are many and most are interwoven with a number of considerations. However, at our first meeting we were convinced of three things. Firstly this is an exciting opportunity to discern God's leading for the whole Circuit. Secondly, that the current situation is not sustainable in the near future and thirdly, that we need to ground all our work in prayer. This is not just the task of the members of the group, but a task for everyone in the whole Circuit. As many people have already said, 'you will need our prayers.' As we begin our work we need to discern where God is leading us in the next five years. What might the Circuit look like then? What kind of staffing shall we need to fulfill God's calling on us as a Circuit of Local Churches? Where will our churches, manses, centres of work need to be? These are just some...

Circuit Talents Challenge

"For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money ..." Matthew 25:14-30 Why don't you take up the Circuit Talents Challenge by taking a £5 note and making it grow for the Circuit? More details ...


2011 sees the 400th anniversary of the King James' bible. Biblefresh has a vision to reignite and re-enthuse the church in its passion for the Bible. To support Biblefresh, the West Yorkshire District of the Methodist Church, of which the Bradford North Circuit is a part, has a project "Written by hand, taken to heart". The project will culminate in a Biblefresh Festival in and around the centre of Bradford on 11 June 2011. See how the churches in Bradford North are supporting this project. More details ...

Launch of new web site for Baildon

Baildon Methodist Church launched its new web site on Sunday 6 March 2011. It is well worth a visit .

Calverley Methodist Church - Church Anniversary

Calverley Methodist Church celebrate their Church Anniversary on 19/20 March 2011. On the Saturday there will be a coffee morning and then an afternoon tea and concert given by the James Farrell Concert Band. On the Sunday morning worship at 10.30 pm will be led by Rev Peter Whitaker. The 6.00 pm service will be led by Rev Richard Atkinson. A warm welcome is extended to everyone to share in the Celebrations.