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Virtual Worship - 3 April 2022

A Methodist Way of Life - April 2022 - Praying Daily Service sheet (pdf) Start by listening to ‘Lead me Lord’:  Hello and welcome to the Bradford North worship video for April, the first of 12 services focusing on the commitments contained within the Methodist Way of Life and introduced by Rev David Goodall in last month’s video. My name is Claire Nott: I’m a local preacher on trial in the circuit and one of the lay pastors at Baildon Methodist Church. The anthem you heard at the start was Samuel Wesley’s ‘Lead me Lord’, based on Psalm 5 verse 8. Our call to worship is a selection of other verses taken from the same psalm: I pray to you, O  Lord ; 3      you hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayer [ b ]     and wait for your answer. all who find safety in you will rejoice;     they can always sing for joy. Protect those who love you;     because of you they are truly happy ...
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Virtual Worship - 27 March 2022

4th Sunday in Lent and Mothering Sunday Service Sheet (pdf) Call to worship: Let us thank God for the love that holds us in being, moment by moment, ever welcoming us home. Song:  Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (Hymns and Psalms 552; Singing the Faith 526)  Introduction to the theme: On Mothering Sunday, we appreciate the presence and importance of nurturing love for us. Life’s challenges can mean we forget this love. We can become lost through the mistakes and wrong choices we make, or perhaps by the pressure and responsibility we feel under to get things right. The joy is that God’s outrageous love is always, always there, welcoming us home again. Opening prayer: On this Mothering Sunday, we open our hearts before you, faithful God, bringing those we love, and those we struggle to love, those we have lost, and those we are afraid of losing. We bring our tears and our joy, our disappointments and our hopes. We bring all that we carry and all that we long to lay dow...

Virtual Worship - 20 March 2022

As well as being printed for Circuit distribution, this service will be held on this date at St Andrew’s Church, 10.30am. H&P 7 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Introduction All round the world and even here in Britain many live under threats of many kinds, pressures which make us feel afraid or insecure: loss of friends; housing, jobs or money; health or danger to life – and that’s just a few. So what should we do when such things affect us? The Bible suggests we should begin by drawing close to God in worship. Worship isn’t an escape, some cosy place away from the world. It’s a recognition that God is in charge; praising him for his sovereignty; and turning our lives over to him so that he may direct our ways. Then we can face our difficulties. Reading:  Psalm 63 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. 1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. ...

Holy Week and Easter Services

Wednesday 13th April Circuit Prayer Zoom for Holy Week, 7.30pm, led by Rev Nick Blundell Please email if you would like the Zoom link to join this event. Maundy Thursday 14th April Communion Service at Bolton Methodist Church , 7pm, l ed by Rev Phil Drake. Communion service with fellowship meal at Saltaire Methodist Church , 7pm, led by Rev Christine Crabtree. Tenebrae with communion at Wilsden Trinity Church , 7pm, led by Rev Nick Blundell. Good Friday 15th April Service at Crag Road Methodist Church , 10am, led by Rev Christine Crabtree Service at Baildon , 10am, led by Local Pastors Peter Jackson and Claire Nott Service at Thornton Methodist Church , 10.30am, led by Rev Phil Drake Shipley Christians Together Walk of Witness for Good Friday: 11.30am assemble at St Paul’s, Shipley, for tea, coffee and hot cross buns 11.45am short service at St Paul’s 12 noon start of walk of witness from St Paul’s 12.30pm arrival at Market Square with short service at 1...

Virtual Worship - 13 March 2022

  An introduction to the Methodist Way of Life  S ervice Sheet (pdf) This service is led by Rev David Goodall, the Missional Communities Enabler of the Yorkshire West District.  He says, it is a joy and a great privilege to have this service with you and to begin this series on A Methodist Way of Life.  My work across the Yorkshire West District is to help and encourage Circuits and local churches to discover the joy of a Methodist Way of Life and to think about how they can use it and embed it in their lives together. This is the first of 13 online services which will help you as a Circuit in Bradford North to reflect on a Methodist Way of Life; in this first service I will introduce you to a Methodist Way of Life, and then each of the next 12 services, one each month for a year, will introduce you to one of the commitments in the Methodist Way of Life and will help you think about how you might live it out in your daily discipleship.  Along with this service ...